Local Development, Full Service
Adabra is a software consulting firm located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. Our portfolio of custom contract work includes long-term and repeat clients from New York to Chicago to Phoenix.

Full Stack Software
We engage in all aspects of full-stack software engineering or, as we like to say, “From back-end to front-end and all points in between.”
Front-end rich web applications are our specialty. Due to our decade of experience, we’re also experts in backend applications, databases and cloud technologies. Whether you need a data-centric process running on a server, to push/pull data to/from a database, work with a cloud-based service, build web apps – we can help.
Our Most Valuable Software Development Skills
- Analyzing an idea, finding pitfalls and streamlining to a MVP
- Breaking down a project into actionable, reportable steps
- Building the best quality we can once your project begins
- Agile workflow, clean code, streamlined processing
- During analysis and building
- Clear accountability
- Solid state for maintainability
- Full documentation
Strong Software Architecture
- The art or practice of designing and constructing
- The complex or carefully designed structure of something
Here at Adabra we take architecture seriously. Software architecture is our art form. It’s also mission-critical that the structures within a piece of software are well-designed to communicate freely and function as planned.
We focus on finding the need behind our client’s request. We routinely probe an idea to uncover any innate weakness – and to search for alternative digital solutions. We love when we find an answer requiring less time, code and expense than a client originally expected!
Strategic Planning in Software Development
Strategic planning is key to Adabra’s programming success. Before typing the first line of code, we map out the finished product as a software piece your business – and other programmers – can work with into the future.
Maintainability is important to Adabra for our clients’ sakes. Sadly, many developers write “clever” code with improvisations or shortcuts often hard to be understood by other programmers. We strive to avoid that as much as possible.
From the start of your project, Adabra focuses on readability, testability and maintainability. We know that you may use a variety of programmers over a software’s lifespan. And the last thing anyone wants is for their future junior-level staff to inherit a Rube-Goldberg machine in code!